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2015-1-30 13:57| 发布者:畅想2000| 查看:7521| 评论:0

摘要:Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 How are you today? 你好吗? How are you? 你好吗?I am fine thank you. 谢谢,我很好。 Come in please. 请进。Li Li say Bye-Byeto your father/ mother/ grandpa. 李丽,跟爸 ...
Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 How are you today? 你好吗? How are you? 你好吗?
I am fine thank you. 谢谢,我很好。 Come in please. 请进。
Li Li say “Bye-Bye”to your father/ mother/ grandpa. 李丽,跟爸爸/妈妈/爷爷说再见。
Please take off your coat and fold it here. 请把外套脱下来,叠好放在这里。Please put your clothes here. 请把衣服放到这里。
Did you have a good sleep last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗?Did you have a good time on your weekend? 周末过得好吗?Did you have a good time on your holiday? 假期过得好吗?
Are you fine? 你还好吧?You don’t look well. 你看起来不太好。
Please sit here and play with the toys. 坐下玩一会玩具吧。Please sit here and read the story. 坐下玩一会书吧。Please water the flowers. 请你浇浇花吧。
Breakfast (早餐)
It’s time for breakfast.该吃早饭了。Please wash hands.请洗手。
Please wash your hands before you eat.吃东西前请洗手。
Did you wash your hands? Let me have a look/check. 你洗手了吗?让我看看。
Please wash your hands with soap.打打肥皂。
Breakfast is ready. Please sit by the table.早餐好了,请坐到桌边来。
Would you like a little bit more?(Are you sure you had enough?)你想再要一点吗?(你真的够了吗?)
Today we have milk and bread for our breakfast.今天的早餐是牛奶和面包。
Please rinse your mouth after eating.吃完东西漱口。
Call the Roll(点名)
 Let’s call the roll.我们点名吧。Answer when your name is called.叫到你的名字时请答“到”。
Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗?Who is not here? 今天谁没到?Who is absent? 谁没来?
Wang Lin please stand up and say“here”.王林,请喊“到”。
Let’s count …“One two three.”我们数一下,1,2,3……
Who’s on duty today?今天谁值日?You have done your duty very well.你的值日做的很好。Are you on duty? 是你值日吗?
Morning Exercises(早操)
It’s time to do morning exercises please go out and line up.现在是早操时间,请出去排队。
Make one line/two lines.请排成一队/两队。Two lines please.请排成两队。
At ease. Attention.稍息!立正!Look forward! 向前看。March in your place right left…原地踏步。一二一……
Look at me boys and girls. Place do as I do.请看着我,跟我做。Let’s go back the classroom! 我们回教室吧!One by one please.一个接一个。No pushing please.请不要推。Please don’t be crowded.不要挤。Make two lines please.请排成两排。
Boys are here. (Boys line up here.)男孩子在这儿。Girls are there. (Girls line up there.)女孩子在那儿。
Area Teaching(区域活动)
Now it’s time for us do some activities.现在我们要进行一些活动。Now we are going to do some games.现在我们做一些游戏。
You may choose any area you like.你可以选择你喜欢的区域。
We’ll do it like that; you’ll be divided into four groups. 我们租样来玩儿。你们分为四组。
The first group will play the toys.第一组玩玩具。The second group will listen to the music.第二组听音乐。The third group will read the books.第三组看书。The fourth group wills…第四组…
You may choose any toys you want.你可以选择你喜欢的玩具。Please be kind to each other.要友好相处。Don’t grab the toys.不要抢玩具。Please take good care of the books.要爱护玩具。Please take good care of the books.要爱护图书。
Li Ly you may share the book with Wang Lin will you? 李莉,和王林一起看这本书好吗?
Let’s play together.我们一起玩吧。Why not join us Xiao Hong? 小红,为什么不和我们一起玩呢?
What are you doing? 你们在做什么?Please draw it down.把它画出来好吗?
Good. Please go on.不错,继续吧!Great. Please go on.好,继续吧!
Please return your book back to the bookshelf.请把书放回去。
Can you put away your toys please? 你能放好你的玩具,对吗?
Please put the toys back to where it belongs.请把玩具放回原处。
Please put the scissors back to where it belongs.请把剪刀放回原处。
Shall we stop here today..今天就到此为止吧?
Now please put away your table.现在请收拾桌子。
Put the chairs along with the wall please.把椅子靠墙摆好。
Teaching Activities(集体活动)
Hello everyone. Now let’s begin the class.大家好,现在开始上课。Look at me.请看我。Listen carefully.注意听。Are you ready? 准备好了吗?
Boy’s and girls listen to me now.孩子们,现在听我说。
Today we will listen to a story. The story’ s name is …今天我们听第一个故事,故事的名字叫…
I’m going to tell you a story the name is …我要给你们讲个故事,名字叫…
Today we are going to play a game the name is…今天我们要做一个游戏,游戏的名字是…
Now let’s play another game. 现在我们玩另一个游戏.What’s the name of the song? 这首歌的名字叫什么?What’s the name of the story? 故事的名字叫什么?
Let’s listen to a song; please clap your hands with the music. 让我们来听首歌请随着音乐拍手.
Let’s sing the song together; you may dance with the music. 我们一起唱歌你们可以随着音乐跳舞。
Let’s sing the song together; you may clap your hands with the music. 我们一起唱歌,你们可以随着音乐拍手。
Please follow me and sing the song. 请跟我一起唱歌。Look at the picture. 请看这幅图。
Please tell me what you’ve heard in the story. 请告诉我,你们在故事中听到了什么?
Who can tell me what you’ve heard in the song/music? 谁能告诉我,你在歌曲(音乐)中听到了什么?
Good! 好!Well done! 很好!You did a good job! 你做得好!
You are so smart! 你真聪明!You are clever! 你真聪明!You can do it well. 你能行。
Excellent! /Great! Good boy! / Good girl! 绯常棒!好极了!做得不错!
Use your head. 动动脑筋。
This is a good try; please go back to your seat. 不错,请回座位。Do you understand? 你明白了吗?
Have you got it? 你明白了吗?Please repeat after me. 请跟我读。
Please read after me. 请跟我读。Please follow me. 请跟我做(来)。
Let’s read/ sing it together. 我们一起来读(唱)。
Who wants to try? 谁想来试一试?Have a try! 试一试!Try again! 请再试一试!
Who can try? 谁能试一试?Now try to answer. 试着回答。
Raise your hands please. 请举手。Put down your hands please. 放下手。
Don’t worry think it over you may tell me / us later. 别着急,想一想,等一下告诉我/我们。
Could you speak a little louder? 请大声点说。Louder please. 请大声点。
Go on. 请继续。Please think about it. 请想一想。
Could you please try it again? 请再试一次。Don’t be shy! 别害羞
Don’t be nervous! 别紧张!Don’t be afraid! 别害怕!
Don’t be timid! 别胆怯!Don’t give up. 别放弃!
Say it again. 再说一遍。Don’t interrupt her/him. 不要打断她(他)。
Let her /him go on. 让她(他)接着说。No talking please. 请不要讲话了。
Stop talking boys and girls. 孩子们,别讲话了。Don’t talk anymore. 别说话了。
Show me your fingers. 伸出你的手馗。Let’s clap hands for…让我们为…鼓掌祝贺.
That’s all the time we have. 今天就到这儿。Class is over. 下课。(今天就到这儿。)
That’s all for today. 今天就到这儿。Wash One’s Hands and Having a Rest(盥洗与小憩)
Let’s have a rest. 休息一会儿。Let ’s have a break.休息一会儿。
You may go to toilet.可以去盥洗室。Please go to the toilet.请去盥洗室。
Please drink some water.去喝水吧。
Please wash your hands before you come back from the toilet.从厕所出来要洗手。
Remember to turn off the taps after washing your hands.洗完手,请记着关好水龙头。
Don’ t leave the taps running please.请关好水龙头。
Please save water.请节约用水。Turn off the tap.关好水龙头。It’ s a good habit.这是个好习惯。
Come here.过来。What’s wrong with you? 出了什么事?Be careful.小心点。
It’s not good to run so fast.不要跑得那么快。What’s the matter? 怎么了?
Oh it’s nothing.哦,没什么。No pushing.不要挤。Don’t run around.不能乱跑。Hurry up.快点儿。
Please go back to your seat.请回到座位上。You may go back to your seat.请回到座位上。
Please speak in a low voice. Don’t shout.请小声点,不要喊。
Outside Activities(户外活动)
Two lines please 请排成两队。Make two lines. 请排成两队。
Let’s go out to play shall we? 我们出去玩,好吗?
Ready? One two go! 准备好了吗?齐步走!Let’s play a game.我们做个游戏。
Turn left.向左转。Turn right.向右转。
Please stand in a circle hand in hand.请大家站成一个圈,手拉手。
Make a big circle.站成一个大圈。Make a small circle.站成一个小圈。
One step backward everyone.向后退一步。One step forward everyone.向前进一步。
Turn around face me please.请转身面向我。oys jump on the circles.男孩子跳到圈上。
Come on! 加油!Hurry up! 快点儿!Be careful! 当心!Safety first! 安全第一!
Are you tired? 你们累吗?Let’s have a rest. 你们休息一下。
Please come close to each other sit down. 请靠拢坐下。
Don’t push others.不要推别人。Brave boy! 你真勇敢!
Don’t push others.别乱跑。Let’s go back to our classroom.我们回教室吧。
Boys and girls lunchtime. 孩子们,吃午饭了。
Today we have rice and vegetables.今天的午餐我们吃米饭和一些蔬菜。
Vegetable is good for our health.蔬菜对身体有好处。
We should have some vegetables for each meal.每餐都要吃一些蔬菜。
Who wants more rice? 谁还要米饭?Who’d like more vegetables?谁还要菜?
All kinds of vegetables are good for our health.多吃蔬菜有利于我们的身体健康。
Who wants to add some soup? 谁想加点儿汤?
Please put the bones on the plate.请把骨头放在盘子里。
Bean curd is delicious. 豆腐是美味可口的。
Please try to finish everything/ things in your bowls.请尽量把碗里的饭菜吃完。
Please do not spread the rice around. 别把米粒撒得到处都是。
Please clean your mouth with the napkin. 请擦嘴。Please rinse your mouth.请漱口。
Please put your bowl in the basin. 请把你的碗放在盆子里。
Having a Nap (午休)
Go and wash your hands first. 先去洗洗手。Go to the bedroom please. 请到寝室。
Please go to toilet before you go to bed. 上床前,请上厕所。
Please take off your clothes. 请脱掉衣服。Please take off your shoes.请脱掉鞋子。
Don’t stand on the bed. 不要站在床上。
Please fold your clothes and put them beside your pillow. 请把衣服叠好,放在枕边。
No speaking. 别说话。Please cover yourself with the quilt. 请把被子盖好。
Please close your eyes. 请闭上眼睛。
Wish you had a good dream. 做个好梦吧。Get up everyone.起床了。
Wake up please. 小朋友们,醒醒啦。Dress yourself quickly please. 请快穿上衣服。
Please wake the children beside you. 把你身边的小朋友叫醒。
Make the bed. 整理一下床铺。Do you need help? 要我帮忙吗?
Let me zip your skirt up. 我来帮你拉拉链。
Let me help you do up your buttons.我帮你扣扣子吧。
Please put on your shoes go to the toilet. 穿上鞋子,去厕所吧。
Girls comb your hair. 女孩子,把头发梳一梳。Boys drink some water.男孩子,去喝水。
It’s time for snack we will eat apples. 该吃午点了,今天我们吃苹果。
Today’s snack is cookie.今天的午点是饼干。Finished? 吃完了吗?
Don’t put away your toys and books by yourself. 请你收回玩具和图书。
Don’t forget your bag. 别忘了你的书包。Put on your coat. 穿上你是外套。
Good-bye! 再见!See you tomorrow! 明天见。See you later. 回头见。See you next week. 下星期见。See you Monday. 下周一见。
1、 Would you like a little bit more?(Are you sure you had enough?)你想再要一点吗?(你真的够了吗?)
2、 Please hold your bowls.请端好碗.
3、 Try to finish everything in your bowls.尽量把碗里的饭菜吃完吧.
4、 Let’s try not to scatter food or drink on the table. (Please help clease up your spills.)别把饭或汤撒到桌上.
5、 Put the bones on your plate.把骨头或者鱼刺放在盆子里.
6、 Wipe(Rinse) your mouth after eating.吃完东西之后请把嘴擦干净.
7、 You’ll feel good to have some soup after a meal.小朋友吃完饭后要喝一碗汤这样会感觉很舒服的.
8、 Fold your coat and trousens and put them on the chair.把衣服叠整齐放在你的椅子上.
9、 Cover yourself up so that your do not catch cold.请把被子盖盖好这样就不会着凉了.
10、 Hands under the quilt.把手放到被子里去.
11、 Wake up.起床了.
12、 Get up and dress yourself quickly.赶快起床穿衣服.
13、 Can you dress yourself ? Have a try!你会自己穿衣服吗?试试看.
14、 Let’s go upstairs and do morning exercise.让我们上楼去做早操吧!
15、 Go this side please .No pushing away.请从这边走不要推人.
16、 Find your seat quickly as soon as you hear the bell.一听到铃响就回到座位上.
17、 Which one do you like better, Tom?汤姆你喜欢哪一个?
18、 Follow me please.请跟我说(做).
19、 I’d like to ask one of you to answer my question.我想请一个小朋友来回答我的问题.
20、 Look I have a ball in my hand. 看我手里拿了一个球.
21、 Do you like to draw a picture? (Would you like to draw a picture?)你们想画画吗?
22、 Say it after me.请跟我一起说.
23、 Nancy did a good job just now. Her voice was much louder.南希刚才做的很好她的声音响多了.
24、 What did you hear just now?你们刚才听到了什么?
25、 Listen to me carefullyand try to remember what I say.仔细听我说试着记住我说的话.
26、 I’d like to tell you what we’ll do today.我想告诉你们我们今天要做的事.
27、 Let’s say it together.我们一起来说吧.
28、 What’s the English for it ? 这个英语怎么说?
29、 Listen to the rhyme once againand try to tell us what else you have heard. 听一遍儿歌然后试着告诉我们你还听到了什么?
30、 Put up (put down) your hands.举起(放下)小手.
31、 Who wants to try ? 谁想来试一试?
32、 Hello Tom!Nice to see you..汤姆,你好。见到你很高兴。
33、 Go in and take your coat off.进去把大衣脱掉。
34、 Can you bring your chair and sit right here?你能把椅子搬到这儿来坐吗?
35、 Please say bye-bye to your Mummy.请向妈妈说“再见”。
36、 Take off your coat and hang it up right there.把你的衣服脱下挂在那儿.
37、 Shoes off!Sit on the mat.脱掉鞋子,坐到的毯上。
38、 Oh,he is coming.喔,她来了。
39、 What are you doing ?你在干什么?
40、 What′s the matter?怎么了?
41、There are some toys.Let’s play with these toys.我这里有一些玩具,我们一起来玩吧。
42、 Do you need help to tuck your sweater into your pants.要我帮你把线衣塞到裤子里去吗?
43、 You did it all by yourself.全部是由陪自己做的吗?
44、 Right(GoodOkGreat).对(好行很好)
45、 It′s time to pack up.(Pack-up time)!该是整 理玩具的时候了。
46、Puck up the toys on the floor.请把的上的玩具拾起来。
47、 Now let′s pick up the toys.现在我们把玩具收起来.

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